29 October 2008

Jennifer Carlson is an inspiration to us all!

This lady not only understands how to do it but also practices sustainable gardening techniques. Check out the article on "This Old House" 's website:

19 October 2008

Trying New Things

Who says you can't teach an old girl new tricks?

It occurred to me that, since I have been asked a write a minuscule weekly column in a very small-market newspaper, I might need a place to post pictures or to have a discussion or two and voila! here it is.

I chose the grapes-on-the-fence for my first posted picture because, to me, it epitomizes my garden ethic: use available resources whenever possible and interfere with the natural process as little as possible. Therefore my fence supports the grapevine and the grapevine gives lots (and lots) of sweet, delicious grapes. I have fertilized the grapes on occasion (maybe once every 3 to 5 years) and have never used any pesticides on them and yet, to my "better gardening through science" friends' dismay, they perform brilliantly year after year.

So here I go, dipping my lazy toe into the blogosphere. Wish me luck.